Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One Month Anniversary

I have been blogging for one month now.  In that month, I have learned new things.  When I started this blog I wanted to inform my readers about the earth, but it looks like you have informed me about great ideas and new things.
I am grateful for all the things you have taught me with your comments.

Here are some of the things I have learned:
1.  Plastics can be dangerous for sea animals.
2.  There is a great garbage patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (I'll write more about this later.)
3. Thanks to Aunt Amanda I learned that some dish soaps have petroleum in them.
4. I learned that incandescent light bulbs are harmful.
5. A lot of things we buy have a package - most things in fact!

Thank you for informing me about things you found.  I want to keep writing and learning things about the earth.

This is Addison, signing off.

1 comment:

Potters said...


We went to Newport Beach on Monday (it was a snow day here) and were so sad to see how many plastic grocery bags had washed up on shore. Every few feet there was a plastic bag. It really brought home just how big the problem is.