Friday, June 27, 2008


I learned something very important about earthquake safety.  Pay attention!  Don't get under a desk or table during an earthquake.  Get next to a heavy object instead.  Why?  That is the place where a triangle of safety is created when the ceiling falls down.  People who do search and rescue during earthquakes found that children under desks died because they where crushed.  When the ceiling falls, the desk is crushed, but a triangle-shaped pocket is formed next to the desk.  So - stop teaching children to get underneath something.  Instead teach them to get next to it and curl up in a little ball.  Pass it along.

This is Addison.  Signing off.

1 comment:

templework said...

Just want to let you know that both
Urban Legends:

have warned that this is misleading information.

Thought you'd want to know.