Sunday, July 6, 2008


Turns out my last post was not true.  I still think that it is dangerous to get under a table or desk. I hope they prove a real safe place! I read that Southern CA is very likely to have a 6.7 earthquake by 2037. (That  is from the New York Times,  long before I knew about the false information.) So I'm sorry that I did not study very deep into that.

This is Addison, signing off.


amanda jane said...

good job in retracting wrong info, Addison! very grown up of you to correct a misinformed statement. keep looking for the safesst place to be - we would all still like to learn some of those safety tips!
Aunt Amanda

Potters said...

i thought that was true. in cases of freeways collapsing i've heard it was true you would survive if you got down by your car.