Sunday, January 6, 2008

Acid Rain Experiment

This weekend it rained 3 1/2 inches here in Pasadena. We did an experiment to see if the rain water was acidic or polluted. We had two rain water samples and one river water sample. I tested the pH level of each water sample.

The first night of rain the pH was 6.0.
The second night of rain, the pH was 6.5.
The river water was 7.0 - which is called neutral.
I also tested tapwater which was slightly basic at pH 7.5.

None of the pH levels were harmful.

I think the first night washed some of the pollution out of the air. That's why the second night of rain had a slightly higher pH.


April said...

Hi Addy,
I am so proud of you for your interest in preserving the earth. I know that what we work hard for we treasure the most. If we take care of our environment we will have a more beautiful place to live. And that's is important to me.
love from Grandma Shirley

Unknown said...

Hi Addison
What a great study.... I am proud of the youth of today... they are all trying to keep this planet clean.
see you on Saturday...I hope

Sister Wright

Potters said...

Great new website Addy! We have changed our bulbs to CFS's. We recycle all of our cans etc. and we recycle our news paper by using it as Hamish's litter - rather than buying wood chips etc. Also, we have a compost heap that we hope will be good for our veggies in the spring. Before the big storm hit we set up a water butt under one of our down spouts on the gutter - the entire can - size of a large trash can - was full in 15 minutes! At least we will have some extra water for the plants during dry spells.

We will keep watching your site for more ideas!
Oh, and MaCall has cut down on her showers. She does not smell yet.
The Potters

Potters said...

How do you test the pH level?

Michele said...

To test the pH we got pH strips from the Petco (fish department). You did the strip in the water and hold it in for 15 seconds. Hold it up to the color chart to see the pH.

Potters said...

that is cool