Thursday, January 10, 2008

Test The Air

Last week my experiment was to test rain water. This week I want to find out what is in the air. You can try this too. Next week we can talk about what we found.

What You Need

A clean wide-mouthed medium-sized jar
Some petroleum jelly


1. Spread a thin layer of petroleum jelly

2. Take the jar outside and place it in the open air. Make certain that it is away from the sidewalk or playground and at least 3 feet off the ground so dirt will not be kicked into it.

3. Leave the jar outside for 5 days

4. Observe the results and answer these questions:

a. Would you say that the petroleum jelly is slightly dirty, medium dirty, or very dirty?
b. Is most of the dirt you see textile fibers, stone dust, wood-dust, or tire dust?


amanda jane said...

we're gonna try it addy thank you ,grace,ella and ruby too

Michele said...

In my experiment we found a way to kill white flies off the strawberries. We put our jar on the strawberry pot and when we took it off six days later the rim was covered in dead white flies. I also put a jar on our porch and one on top of the refrigerator. Those two were the cleanest. The strawberry plant jar had dust and wood chips and dirt because our driveway cleaners came and kicked up a whole bunch of dirt into it. I think our is pretty clean, maybe all the rain helped! This Addison, signing off.